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No waxing poetic this week. Just some bulleted items for you to add to your end-of-the-year craziness:

  1. Call your accountant if you have not already for end-of-the-year tax planning.  The possible Bush tax cuts extension is making a mess of everyone’s planning. Come join in the fun.
  2. If you’re going to convert your IRA to a Roth IRA this year so that you can pay the taxes over two years, you need to do that now.
  3. Get your payroll service in order.  If you have not been happy with your payroll service or are hiring someone for the first time, you need a solid payroll company.  January is the best time of the year to make a change.
  4. Get your business planning done.  Record your accomplishments.  Let go of your “failures.”
  5. No New Year’s Resolutions.  Remember, they don’t work in January.  Wait until at least February 2nd.  The gym will be emptier by then anyway.

It’s the home stretch of 2010.  Enjoy!

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