Besides getting your student a college degree, perhaps the best learning that happens in college is cash flow management. Don’t miss this opportunity.
If you have been giving your child…
You’ve probably heard this generalized advice: Don’t pay a financial planner to manage your money because the 1% you pay in fees depletes your overall wealth by hundreds of thousands…
You saved for college in a 529 plan. Your kid got into a college or university. You did all the right things. Hooray!
Now what?
When it comes to saving…
Health issues and chronic diseases can significantly impact your financial planning. As a financial advisor, I often encounter clients grappling with these challenges, particularly in the later stages of life.…
My annual medical check-up last week has given me a whole new perspective on my clients’ annual financial reviews.
Rather than poke, prod, squeeze, smash, or radiate body parts, I’m more-or-less…
Believe it or not, May is my most expensive month for skiing.
I don’t even ski in May. I don’t much care for spring skiing, and I’m not going to travel…