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Tax Deferral


How to Defer Capital Gains Taxes on Highly Appreciated Assets

The series of videos below outline a capital gains tax deferral strategy, which works optimally for those who have owned an asset – cryptocurrency, real estate, a business, etc. — for at least a year, will realize at least $1.5M in long-term capital gains, are facing at least a $500K capital gains tax bill, and will walk away with at least $3M in proceeds pre-tax upon sale.

These videos will give you a high-level overview of the strategy and answer basic questions. Please reach out for a 15-minute appointment to discuss your particular situation.


#1 : The Problem, Solutions You Don’t Like, and Maybe One You Do

To make sure we are on the same page, we will cover the concept of capital gains, sales proceeds, and capital gains taxes. We will cover strategies for deferring or avoiding capital gains taxes.

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✔️ #2: The Installment Sale and the Intermediated Installment Sale: We will cover the structure of the intermediated installment sale so you can understand how it works and how it helps you manage capital gains taxes.

✔️ #3: Best Uses, Biggest Objections: We will cover who can use this strategy the best effect, who shouldn’t use it, and cover the biggest objections to using it.

✔️ #4: Frequently Asked Questions: We will cover the most frequently asked questions. 


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