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I imagine there’s always been bad news, but lately it feels worse than ever.  There’s too much information, too much hysteria and too much “yelling.”  More than ever, people long for a sense of peace.  Maintaining a balance of the good in the face of bad is challenging, but it’s also good for our health.  I swear, stress does more damage than the external circumstances.

But how do we achieve peace amid chaos?  I know I have to practice every day.  Strangely, my teenage daughter doesn’t, waking up every day to rainbows and unicorns.   I don’t know how she does it, but she can string more best-day-of-my-life days together than anyone.   I try to stay out of her way and let her spread her happy dust wherever she goes.


Here’s what I do to emulate her:

  • Interact and connect with people, even if it is a simple email of appreciation.
  • Meditate.
  • Smile.  Laugh.
  • Find gratitude for something.
  • Exercise.  A short walk will do.
  • Water. And more water.
  • Lower expectations so that they’re routinely met or exceeded.
  • Get outside.
  • Play.  Have hobbies.
  • Make decisions and don’t look back.
  • Music.
  • Relive a happy moment.
  • Find a mentor, teacher, or sage who has perspective.

I know they’re nothing new, but reminders are always good.  Feel free to try them out.  And if you need that mentor, teacher, or sage about finances, that would be me.  Give me a call.

Your partner for financial peace and clarity


By appointment only:
100 Pine Street, Suite 1250
San Francisco, CA 94111

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