Here is your big Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card on that New Year’s resolution which you’ve already blown: Restart it. I’m not being glib. Hear me out on this one.
March and April are the best months to set resolutions
We live in this world where we can get just about anything, anytime, shipped from anywhere. Ecological issues aside, the point here is that our bodies and minds have long forgotten that NOTHING GROWS IN THE WINTER. The focus of winter is fallowness—that is the time in which the ground is to take a break and repair itself from the fall’s harvest. Instead what we do is throw big holiday parties and amp up the activity, physically and emotionally. That kind of energy is counter to the energy of where we are on the Earth at that time. We should be sleeping a lot.
If we wouldn’t put a seed in the ground in January to grow something for the year, why in the world would you expect a New Year’s resolution set on January 1st to stick? Is it not the same thing? Sure, there are people who are able to gut it out and make it happen. But ask even them: Is it not easier now that the days are longer and warmer? This time of year is more conducive to cultivating and growing anything you wish to put in motion.
Reset your New Year’s resolution. It might just stick. If it has anything to do with getting your financial planning in order or taking care of your mortgage, give me a call. I’ll make sure it does.